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Curated Programs
Business Diagnostic Review
The Empire program contains 53 steps that we have identified will allow you to scale your business to the size of your goals. These 53 steps have been broken down in The 5 Chapters of a Real Estate Business. Each chapter focuses on a core piece of building a successful and sustainable business. The chapters act as building blocks with each subsequent chapter relying on effective implementation of the previous chapters. Regardless of where you currently are in the development of your real estate business, you will want to ensure that each chapter is fully and effectively implemented before you begin working on the next. The full implementation of these chapters and steps is intended to be a career-long journey, not one which you will complete in weeks or months.
Chapter 1
Business and Marketing Setup
Systematize your Database and Network Expansion contacts
Systemize your Financial Process
Chapter 2
Marketing Expansion and Operational Systemization
Systematize the Strategic Alliances Plan
Update the layout and/or variables on your Scorecard (monthly)
Adjust your Financial, Listing, Buying and Marketing processes for efficiency and effectiveness. Schedule this in quarterly (half day review).
Begin documenting and templating your service and marketing processes
Systematize your CMA, Listing and Buying Process
Optimizing your website for lead generation
Create a list of Strategic Alliances
Chapter 3
Leverage, Control Your Time, and Market Domination
Hire on a buyer’s agent
Transition your marketing and branding away from you as an individual
Choose one, max 2, social networks to grow; or choose a farm area (whichever one was not chosen first)
Introduce yourself to your new Social Network; or Farm Area
Systematize the new Social Media; or Farming plan
. Expand your Farm Area or investment into your Social Media Profiles
Hire a full-time assistant
Hire on another buyer’s agent
Hire on an ISA4 if necessary
Hire on a listing agent
Hire on a buyer’s agent
Hire on a Transaction Coordinator (part-time or full time)
Create a team development and growth plan (keep the pipeline full)
Expand your marketing audience reach
a) Online and Offline marketing
Hire on a Listing Coordinator (part-time or full time)
Chapter 4
Unlimited Growth
Hire on a business development/team manager
Repeat the following steps as necessary:
a. Hire on agents as needed
(buyer and listing)
b. Hire on admin staff as needed
(buyer and listing)
b. Hire on admin staff as needed
Ensure marketing and branding are fully team driven
Chapter 5
Freedom and Success
130, 703 64th Avenue SE Calgary, AB, T2H 2C3